Ordena los Planetas – Idea para el Salón de Clases
¡Enseña a los niños sobre el sistema solar con esta divertida e interactiva actividad para el salón de clases! ¡Ideal para las clases de ciencias en la primaria! Descarga gratis…

Crea un Planificador de Comidas para este Regreso a Clases
Back to school can be pretty hectic and let’s face it, figuring out what to make for your kids lunch in the morning while you’re trying to get them out the door is the last thing you want to do! This super easy and fun Meal Planner is just what you need to help you plan ahead and make those crazy mornings a little easier.

Crea tu Organizador para Manualidades
In this DIY project, Sabrina Soto shares with us how to organize school and craft supplies to be in one single spot, ready and organized to use!